Anti-counterfeiting System
NOVOCRINE TC benefits of the highest anti-counterfeiting standards available. Please detect the Security Seal found on your ZENOSIM box and insert the digits in the spaces below.


Please Enter The Security Code

Each pharmaceutical product distributed by NOVOCRINE TC has a Security Seal found on the product box. After you locate the Security Seal on the box, Insert the Security Code in the spaces above and click Verify. The website will then process your query and reveal the result of the search. If the products you have are genuine NOVOCRINE TC products, you will get a possitive result. In case the products you have are counterfeited, you will get a negative result. Do not use any NOVOCRINE TC branded products that dont carry a Security Seal or have incorrect codes.

If your code does not exist in our database it means your products are counterfeited and should not be used. Counterfeited products are dangerous for your health. Contact NOVOCRINE TC in case you have received counterfeited products.

ZENOSIM does not sell any pharmaceutical products online. We do not sell to the public. We do not ship any products. We are not directly or indirectly associated with any websites that may engage in selling same or similar products. Information contained within this website is not a prescription to use and is intended for information purposes only.